Art, Propaganda, and Will to Meaning.

Victor Frankl, after surviving Hitler’s death camps, wondered why some kept on and others simply gave up and died? Frankl said that our drive for meaning, or in his words the “will to meaning”, is our most powerful motivation and is what sustains us in extremity. We want our lives to count for something. We want to be connected to something that is important and meaningful. Continue reading “Art, Propaganda, and Will to Meaning.”

It’s The Lack of Jobs, Stupid!

A General Systems Law: Complex systems such as economies go through cycles of peaks and valleys. A Rule for Good Government: Governments should increase their spending when the economy is faltering and should cut their spending when the economy is booming. The boom periods would be restrained somewhat and the downturns would be ameliorated. This would tend to stabilize the economy. Continue reading “It’s The Lack of Jobs, Stupid!”

Being Poor is so Expensive!

My friend John was downsized out of his job about a year ago. He ended up working for Walmart for a fraction of his previous salary. A few months after starting at Walmart, John said “I never realized being poor takes so much time. It takes me hours to get to work. Any little errand takes more hours. And the bus is expensive relative to my income.” Continue reading “Being Poor is so Expensive!”